Olga Angelopoulou


Our office cooperates in the field of social security law with the specialised office of Dr. Olga Angelopoulou.

Olga Angelopoulou is a member of the Athens Bar Association since 1997 and a Mediator at the Organisation of Mediation and Arbitration since 2011.


She has studied at the Law School of the Athens University (degree 1995) and at the Ludwig-Maximilian University in Munich, where she has concluded her L.LM. studies in the field of social law. She has obtained her PhD from the Law School of the Athens University, with her doctoral thesis on the subject: “The obligatory character as a characteristic element of Social Insurance” (Ant. N. Sakkoulas, 2003).

Field of practice

Her main fields of practice are Social Security Law and Labour Law. She has substantial experience both in providing advice and in litigation in these fields, as well as in European and international social security law. She is legal counsel at the “Private Sector’s Welfare Fund” since 2012, which is a social insurance institution granting lump-sum benefits to private employees in specific sectors

Working and teaching experience

She has worked as a Scientific Expert at the Economic and Social Council of Greece from March 2006 until July 2010. She was a Guest at the Max-Planck Institute of Foreign and International law in the year 1998. She has participated in numerous research groups in matters of social protection in Greece and abroad. She has taken part at the Scientific Committee for Social Dialogue in 1996 and she has worked for the codification of the social insurance and administrative legislation of the General Secretariat of Social Security in 2005 and 2006.

She has worked as Lecturer at the Law School of the Athens University and at the Department of Social and Educational Policy of the Peloponnese University. She had also been teaching at the Department of Migrant Policy of the National School of Public Administration and Local Government and at other educational institutions and organisations.

She is a member of scientific societies, such as the Society of Labour Law and Social Insurance Law, the Scientific Society of Social Security, where she has been a Secretary General, and a founding member of the Association for Social Security Comparison, working group of the European Institute of Social Security.

She has written numerous articles and contributions in matters of social security law, and she has held many speeches at several social security congresses.

She speaks Greek (native), English, German (fluent), Italian and French (working knowledge).